From Monday 4th October to Friday 8th October our company will take part in a series of events reflecting their appreciation of the work our valued Customer Service team and suppliers provide, as part of National Customer Service Week 2021.
But, we chose to put our imagination to the test, and see how we could add a bit of fun to the event…
What is National Customer Service Week?
Simply put, each October, The Institute of Customer Service plan a week-long event dedicated to raising the awareness of customer service and the vital role it plays in successful business practice – basically a celebration of excellent UK customer service.
But what’s in store this year?
What is planned for National Customer Service Week?
As you would expect with this type of event, there are some themes to each of the days – all looking to celebrate different aspects of customer service journey.
National Customer Service Week schedule:
- Monday – The Changing World of Work
- Tuesday – Service with Respect Day
- Wednesday – Essential Customer Service Skills & Capabilities
- Thursday – Effective Strategy & Focused Leadership
- Friday – Give your customer service heroes the Recognition they deserve
But, just to be different – we wanted to put our own spin on the days’ events, to make them uniquely insurethebox-ee.
You could even say that we tried to think ‘out of the box’ – yes, that pun was intentional…
Each of these themes have been designed to celebrate excellent customer service, and give recognition to everybody in a business who provides customers with an experience they won’t forget.
But what have we got up our sleeve?
What have we got planned for our staff?
OK – we’ve been a bit mysterious about what we have planned for National Customer Service Week.
This is mostly to build up tension, but also to give you some insight on why they matter so much, and show you why we have devoted time to developing events to showcase this event.
So, without further ado…
We’re not going to give away our crown jewels – you’ll need to head to our social media for that, but we are going to give you an insight into the type of events we will be running over the coming week:
- Stories of our insurethebox colleagues going above and beyond their roles for customers – not just those who are speaking to customers on a daily basis.
- Awards ceremony to recognise excellent customer service within our company – we pick out a few of our stand-out stars, rewarding them for their great work at insurethebox.
- Virtual round-up with some of our executives, where we will be hearing about the vision for insurethebox, and its customer strategy for the future.
- So, so much more!
To top this exciting week off, we have planned for some of our senior members of staff to swap roles with different people around the business – next time you phone up, could it be our Chief Executive Officer answering the phone?!
We are going out of our way to engage our staff in new and unique ways, to make sure that we celebrate everyone who makes our business unique, whilst looking at how we can deliver the best customer experience possible.