Telematics-based car insurance provider engages Intelligencia Training

Local employer and global pioneer of telematics-based car insurance, insurethebox, has recently committed to a large-scale apprenticeship programme aimed at developing the intelligence and analytical skills of key personnel working across a wide range of departments and job functions.

insurethebox has offices in Newcastle upon Tyne and London and recently engaged with specialist intelligence analysis training provider Intelligencia Training to deliver this innovative qualification following feedback from organisations operating within the sector.

insurethebox Limited’s Group Talent and Leadership Development Partner, Stephen Johnson-Ramsay, commented: “insurethebox has made a strategic decision to work with Intelligencia Training’s technical training programme which gives us access to the UK’s highest level of vocational training for personnel working in counter fraud, intelligence, underwriting and various operational roles. Through this training, we are also able to promote inter-departmental collaboration and intelligence-led decision-making.

Intelligencia Training’s Commercial Director, Nick Atkinson, added: “It is fantastic to add insurethebox to our large and diverse range of public and private sector clients utilising our commercial and Apprenticeship levy-funded programmes. The ability to deliver significant new skills offering parity with those operating at the highest levels of intelligence is hugely rewarding for delegates and organisations alike. The ability for organisations to make cost effective use of significant Apprenticeship levy payments is deemed to be advantageous to many of our current clients.”

Intelligencia Training are currently delivering intelligence analysis training within Government agencies, local authorities and organisations within the custodial, banking, insurance, utilities and retail sectors as a method to formalise and professionalise the use of intelligence. You can read more about Intelligencia Training at

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