If you have actively been searching for car insurance for women, or you are a low mileage driver who wants a better deal – whether you found insurethebox online or were recommended by a friend, we’re guessing that you probably consider yourself a safe driver.
If you do, that’s great, because we actively reward safe driving. And it’s not just for female drivers because everyone and anyone who purchases our motor cover is likely to get great deals in the future if they drive positively.
What does insurethebox do for safe women drivers?
Like all our policy holders, women drivers get a great deal with insurethebox car insurance. We are a low-mileage car insurance provider which strongly believes in promoting road safety, rewarding good drivers, and using a carrot, not stick, approach to encourage motorists not to drive in a risky manner.
The bottom-line is this, reckless and dangerous drivers are probably going to pay more for their car insurance and we can tell who the risky ones are.
When a driver chooses insurethebox they agree to have a telematics device, known as a black box, fitted in their car. This little box is tucked away out of site, but it captures all sorts of information about how and when the car is driven.
Drivers can see just how they are performing on the road by logging in to their exclusive insurethebox web portal because the data from their black box is displayed there, alongside details of how insurethebox values safe driving. This “value” is turned into Bonus Miles.
Insurethebox car insurance, for women, men, and young drivers, is a miles based policy, so when a driver travels further than this, they must purchase more Top Up miles. However, good drivers, those who don’t take unnecessary risks on the road, who drive during daylight hours and keep within localised speed limits etc, will have Bonus Miles added to their cover for no additional charge. Drivers can earn up to 100 Bonus Miles a month so this means that even if a policy holder drives further than they thought they would, they might not have to pay any more to stay covered.
For those drivers who continually earn Bonus Miles, whether they actually use them up or not, it shows us that they are a careful, considerate driver and when the driver comes to renew it is highly likely that their new quote will be extremely competitive since insurethebox knows that he or she is a really good driver.
And what’s more, if all the Bonus Miles aren’t used we roll them over to the following year. Now that’s an even better deal.
Car insurance for women (or men) who drive safely is great value at insurethebox
Whoever you are, if you drive safely, insurethebox wants to hear from you because we believe our car insurance is made for you.
It’s technologically advanced and does much, much more than just make you street legal. To find out more about why insurethebox’s car insurance for women (yes, and men) is such a great deal, click here. Or, why not get a quote by clicking on our Get a Quote button now.