Drivers often take a great deal of time trying to find a reasonable car insurance quote every year, and many motorists take pride in the amount of no-claim discount (NCD) they have managed to build up by driving safely and responsibly.
However, no matter how carefully a motorist may drive, no amount of consideration on the road can prevent vandals from inflicting damage to an unattended vehicle. Sometimes this damage is easily repairable, but unfortunately some car owners may have to make a claim on their car insurance to fix the damage.
Making a car insurance claim for damage caused by another person is very frustrating, and many drivers become distressed that a hooligan has not only damaged their vehicle, but also made an irreversible dent in their no-claim bonus.
Although, sadly, there is no way of knowing when a vehicle may be targeted by vandals, there are some precautions which motorists can take to avoid having their car damaged.
Tips to keep your car safe and your NCD intact
Motorists who have their own driveways should use them whenever possible. Vandals are much less likely to approach a car parked in a driveway as such close proximity to a home means they are increasing their chances of getting caught.
Many car owners who have access to a garage choose to use the space to store bulky items such as old furniture and gardening equipment. However, a locked garage is one of the safest places to park a car as passers-by cannot see what the garage contains and would, hopefully, find it difficult to get inside.
When motorists do not have access to a driveway or garage, if at all possible, they should park their car in a well lit area. Secure car parks and areas which are monitored by CCTV surveillance systems are also less likely to be frequented by vandals.
Finally, it may seem obvious, but drivers significantly reduce the risk of damage or theft occurring to their car by simply checking that the vehicle is locked before they leave it.
Save money with car insurance from insurethebox
If you try your best to avoid your car becoming damaged or stolen, and you are a safe and considerate road user, you may be able to make savings with low-mileage insurance from insurethebox.
We will fit a black box into your car which monitors your driving habits, and if you prove to us that you are a safe road user, you may even be rewarded with Bonus Miles every month. Plus, unlike many insurers, for a small charge on your premium, we allow you to protect any level of NCD, so you can make up to two claims in a consecutive five year period without it affecting your no claim discount.
To find out how much money a car insurance quote with insurethebox could save you, click Get a Quote now.