For most motorists, putting a seatbelt on after getting behind the wheel is second nature but for others, some of whom may have a car insurance for young driver’s policy, it appears they think a seatbelt is unnecessary.

Wearing a seatbelt improves a person’s chance of surviving a car crash by 50%, according to the Global Seat-belt Vaccine Initiative, and yet a study by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) in June 2011 showed that 5% of UK drivers still don’t use a seatbelt when on the roads.

This could cause them to suffer severe or potentially fatal injuries if they are involved in a car accident, and the AA states that people failing to wear seatbelts is a factor in 30% of UK road deaths every year.

When getting into a vehicle one of the first things an individual should do, whether they are the driver and car insurance holder for the vehicle or a front or backseat passenger, is strap themselves in.

Even during a short journey there is still a risk that the vehicle will be involved in an accident, so it pays to be prepared, and backseat passengers might not just risk their own lives but the lives of the people sat in front of them if they are thrown forward after not having used the seat restraint.

There is no excuse for not having engaged the seatbelt before the vehicle starts moving, unless a person has a Certificate of Exemption from Compulsory Seat Belt Wearing.

They will be issued with one of these if their doctor believes that, on medical grounds, they would be better off not wearing a seatbelt.

If a motorist or passenger has one of these certificates they must remember to keep it in the car with them so that they can present it to the police if they are stopped.

Apart from those who are medically exempt, all other individuals who are travelling in a privately owned vehicle should use the seatbelts provided.

Car insurance for young drivers who buckle up

If you take pride in being a safe and considerate driver and you want to save money on your car cover, insurethebox could help.

With the assistance of telematics technology, safe motorists are able to earn rewards for their positive driving habits which can save them money on their annual car insurance costs.

If you are interested in car insurance for young drivers, contact insurethebox by phoning 0333 123 1308 or simply clicking on the get a quote button on any of our website’s pages.