If you are buying car insurance for young drivers you will probably already know that it can be expensive. If you are a parent, you almost certainly understand why.
Car insurance for inexperienced motorists is a high risk proposition for insurers; particularly as drivers aged 17-24 are statistically so much more likely to have a serious accident. But your young driver has to have car insurance, so what can you do to help keep them safer on the road and get a lower priced car insurance policy.
insurethebox knows how young drivers drive
An insurethebox car insurance policy comes with a handy little piece of technology known as a black box which is fitted to the insured vehicle soon after the insurance starts. This clever little GPS box can do a whole host of things to not only make young drivers’ car insurance cheaper, but also to keep them safe, as well.
Firstly, the black box records lots of telematics data about how and when the car is being driven, including:
- How far;
- How fast;
- How the brakes and the accelerator are being used;
- Where and what time journeys are being made, etc.
All this information is sent to a special Customer Portal for the driver to see and they can even pick up handy hints about their driving to help them become a better, safer driver.
Secondly, as an insurethebox policy is calculated differently from most insurers we can usually offer a cheaper quote.
insurethebox offers low mileage car insurance and as such we can be cheaper than other motor insurers. When the driver takes out a policy they select how many Policy Miles they expect to drive in a year and this is used to help calculate the premium.
The driver can earn extra miles by driving safely – we call these Bonus Miles and they can help pay for extra insured miles if needed or be rolled over and added to the next year’s car insurance renewal.
Lastly, if the driver has a car accident, the black box will act as a Global Positioning System (GPS) which means that we have an accurate fix on the location of the vehicle. When an accident occurs our customer service assistants will be alerted because the black box measures the G forces involved and, if necessary, they will attempt to contact the driver or, if necessary, try to make sure the emergency services are on their way as soon as possible.
Drive safe and save with insurethebox car insurance for young drivers
An insurethebox car insurance policy is truly unique as it can help young drivers, in fact all drivers, to be better, safer motorists while offering the chance to make car insurance cheaper in the future with all sorts of reward schemes and benefits.
Simply click get a quote and fill in your information to get a quote from insurethebox for car insurance for young drivers by filling in our online quote form. The whole process to get your cover up and running can be completed online, and we will arrange for a black box to be fitted to your car as soon as possible.
[su_itbbuttons link=”https://quotes.insurethebox.com/getaquote/policyholder” color=”green-btn”]Get a quote[/su_itbbuttons]