In July 2012, a news story about an American man’s stolen vehicle was reported on by many different websites.
The reason this man’s car was given so much media attention was because he had managed to find it again 42 years after it had gone missing from outside his house in Philadelphia.
How did this happen? He found it up for sale on online auction site eBay and reclaimed it from the Beverly Hills dealership which was selling it.
Not only had the man managed, by a stroke of luck, to find the vehicle which had been stolen from him, but he had also regained something of sentimental value.
Apparently he had always keenly felt the loss of his car, an Austin-Healey, because it was the vehicle he had driven his future wife in on their second date together.
insurethebox enjoyed reading about this man’s reunion with his car after more than four decades of separation, yet we couldn’t help but feel that the man would have found his car much sooner if he had purchased black box insurance and the vehicle had been fitted with telematics technology. Unfortunately, back in 1970 there were no such policies available.
Lost and found – the power of telematics
A part of how we provide our policyholders with great quotes involves knowing where your vehicle is being driven. This way, we can assess whether or not you’re driving on high-risk roads or at high-risk times of the day or night, and adjust your annual premium accordingly.
Because we can check up on where your car is, we could help you find it if it’s been stolen.
First things first – if you believe that your vehicle has been stolen, call the police and get a crime reference number.
After that, call our claims department on 033 00 45 00 45. Once we’ve checked your details, we’ll take down the crime reference number the police gave you and then begin to observe the location of your vehicle.
We’ll be in contact with the police and let them know what’s going on – and hopefully this will lead to the safe recovery of your car!
In the event that the police fail to recover your vehicle, or it is found damaged, contact us again on the number above and we can help you make a claim.
Getting cover with insurethebox
If you want to have the possibility of reducing the cost of your annual premium by purchasing black box insurance – and you don’t want to wait 42 years before your stolen vehicle is returned to you if it goes missing – contact insurethebox click the get a quote button.