Apart from the obvious legal necessity to have young driver car insurance, what does your motor cover do for you? Does it protect your car if it gets stolen, we’re guessing not – what it will do though is ensure the insurance company offers you a fair value for your car if it is not recovered, so that you could go out and put that money towards another car.

Never mind that it’s your pride and joy because no consideration will be given for the loving attention you have given the paintwork and definitely no price will be paid for the engine-tune up and top spec brake pads you had fitted last month.

No, when your car is stolen, it’s gone.

Also, it can sometimes take quite a while before a cheque arrives after a car is stolen, so you’ll have to get buses or trains to go to work or college and when the car insurance company does pay up, it’s almost always less than you paid for the car.

Wouldn’t it be better to just get your old car back?


Box clever with young driver car insurance from insurethebox

When you buy car insurance for young drivers from insurethebox, you get more than a piece of paper with your cover details printed on, because as soon as you sign up with us we’ll arrange for a clever little tracking device to be fitted to your car so that we’ll always know where it is, even when you don’t.

The GPS device, known as a black box is about the size of a mobile phone and is fitted to your car so that from then on, if you tell us it has been stolen, we’ll be able to track it and hopefully recover it quickly.

The black box can help keep your car safe, and if we know where your car is we can offer you cheaper car insurance for young drivers.


A different way to get car insurance with the Track in a Box

Young drivers who get car insurance with insurethebox really are getting something new, and innovative. Rather than just paying your money and getting an insurance document, you get a state-of-the-art piece of GPS tracking kit which can help keep your car safe.

The Track in a Box system also gives you a host of other benefits designed to keep you safe as well as to help you save money on your young driver car insurance.

Get your insurethebox car insurance quote today, simply click get a quote and fill in your information. We can complete the whole transaction quickly and effortlessly over the internet with the minimum of fuss and we will organise the box fitting as soon as possible – in the meantime, you will be covered from the moment you want your policy to start.

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