As providers of young driver insurance, insurethebox is always interested in new research about the road safety of drivers in the 17 to 25 age bracket.

In February 2012, specialist not-for-profit consultancy firm Road Safety Analysis produced a report entitled Young Drivers’ Road Risk and Rurality, which revealed that young motorists who drive on rural roads were 37% more likely to be involved in a collision and suffer injury than drivers who use urban roads.

Furthermore, rural motorists apparently had, on average, a 31% higher annual mileage than urban drivers.

The report also revealed that not only did these young drivers use rural roads, which are statistically more hazardous than urban roads, but they spent more time on them than urban drivers spent on urban roads.

A number of common factors were often present in young driver-related car crashes. Reportedly, the incidents usually occurred at night, they often took place on wet roads, and there was typically no other vehicle involved.

The report stated, “This research implies that there is a pressing need to address the increased risk that young drivers in rural areas are exposed to.

“It could signal that increased driver training and testing on rural roads is needed for the young and inexperienced.

“It also highlights the need to consider how younger driver mileage rates might be reduced, especially at times when risks are known to be elevated such as night time hours.”


insurethebox’s support of road safety

Not only do we exist to provide young motorists with low-cost, miles-based, new driver car insurance, but we also want to make the UK’s roads a safer place by promoting a strong safe driving message.

We do this by offering Bonus Miles to safe drivers and, because we use telematics, we can help policyholders improve their positive driving skills by showing them data reports on their driving.

Road users who receive young driver car insurance from us can earn up to 100 Bonus Miles each month – that’s cover for extra miles at no additional cost – by driving at statistically safer times of day and on safe roads, for example.

If you would like to get a quote from us, simply click the get a quote button.