If you are in the market for newly qualified driver insurance, the chances are that you might be a little nervous about driving around alone for the first time.

If this is the case, then there are some important things to remember.

Firstly, you passed your practical test so you must be able to drive well enough so that the examiner felt you were ready to be on the roads without an instructor.

Secondly, if you keep driving the way you did during the exam, and never forget those hard-learned observational skills, you should reduce the likelihood of being involved in an accident.

Thirdly, there are some experienced drivers on the road who have unfortunately forgotten how to be safe motorists. So, don’t be intimidated by road users who want to do 40mph in a 30mph area and who are getting frustrated with the fact that you are driving at the correct speed.

Keeping these points in mind should help you to feel more secure on the road and can make you a safer driver.

The third point can in some ways be the most important. Remembering that although you are not as experienced on the road as many other drivers around you, you might in fact be driving in a safer manner than they are and this could save you from having a collision.

For example, don’t trust that a motorist indicating for the first exit on a roundabout will actually leave on the first exit, giving you room to move onto the roundabout yourself. All road users make mistakes – that motorist might have left their indicator on by mistake – and some others have just picked up bad habits such as not indicating at all.

Remembering this should protect you at times when you are driving correctly, but someone else is not and is putting you at risk of suffering a collision.

The large majority of motorists drive safely but because you never know when you might encounter a dangerous driver, it pays to remain vigilant to all possible hazards.


Receiving newly qualified driver car insurance

As a young driver, you might well be aware that the costs of annual premiums are often quite steep for 17 to 25-year-olds whether they are a safe driver or not.

One way in which you can reduce the price is by insuring with insurethebox and getting a blackbox fitted in your car for free. Our black box uses telematics technology to record your driving habits. By proving to us that you are a safe and considerate road user could mean a substantial reduction in the amount you have to pay for insurance.

To contact us with any questions about obtaining newly qualified driver car insurance phone 0333 123 1308, or to get a quote simply click on the get a quote button on any page of our website.