The large majority of young driver insurance holders are safe motorists and most of the time it is only through inexperience on the road that some suffer an accident resulting in injury.
However, some new drivers make it much harder for themselves to stay safe on the UK’s highways, by obstructing their line of sight with in-car accessories.
Expressing personality through possessions has become a widely accepted social convention, and many young individuals decide to hang items from their rear-view mirror or put a nodding dog (or other such product) at the rear of their car.
Car manufacturers put a lot of work into making sure that vehicles they produce give drivers as clear a view of the road and as few blind-spots as possible, but their efforts are sometimes thwarted by the understandably proud new owner of the car.
Air fresheners, which are hung from the rear-view mirror, are a common car accessory because they are cheaper than many other accessories. These might seem harmless enough but any piece of road blocked by them is a piece of road which could, for example, contain a child, a cyclist or a temporary road sign.
Similarly cuddly toys, tissue boxes and window stickers at the back of a car, which obscure a driver’s view of the road behind them, could be hiding a hazard.
When it comes to accessorising a car, it would be safer to buy an air freshener which sticks to the dashboard or slides into air vents.
Plus, colourful seat-belt pads and steering wheel or car headrest covers are available from a range of shops and can brighten and personalise a vehicle’s interior without obstructing the driver’s view.
Seeking young driver insurance
If you are a new motorist – congratulations – on top of having the freedom you might have been longing for, you can also become a part of the insurethebox family.
Our great customer service doesn’t stop after you’ve applied for cover with us. We keep an eye on how you’re driving, offer tips on how you can become a better motorist, and could even send emergency services to aid you in the event of a crash. It’s all down to our black box, filled with telematics technology, which we fix to your car at the outset of your policy.
Joining insurethebox means feeling safe, driving more safely, and saving money along the way, simply click on get a quote.
We can complete the whole transaction quickly and effortlessly with the minimum of fuss and we will organise the box fitting as soon as possible – in the meantime, you will be covered from the moment you want your policy to start.
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