Once upon a time, all car insurance was the same, except car insurance for young drivers which was much more expensive than for other drivers because insurers felt that inexperienced motorists were more likely to have car accidents and make high-value claims.

Then along came insurethebox, a group of enlightened people who felt sure that not all new and young drivers were reckless and irresponsible. They even believed that if motorists were incentivised then they would strive to behave more positively on the roads.

By using telematics technology, and a clever little device known as a black box, insurethebox helped change the face of car insurance so that everyone, even young and low-mileage drivers, could find cheaper car insurance.

At first, people didn’t quite understand how it worked and insurethebox wrote lots of articles about the black box, Base Miles and how young drivers could earn Bonus Miles. And now we have gathered all those articles in one place, so that anyone who wants to know more about car insurance from insurethebox can easily find out how it works and how it could benefit them.


Easy quotes from the online team

However, if you’ve read enough already and just want to see how much it would cost to be insured with us, then why not click on the Get a Quote button to see whether we could offer you a great deal.

It’s easy to get immediate cover with insurethebox and we would arrange for a fitter to come out and put the black box in your car at a time to suit you, so why not give us a try right now.

Alternatively, all those articles explaining how our car insurance for young drivers works are available by clicking on the links below.

Join insurethebox today – you might be able to save lots of money and that always makes for a happy ending.