Help Category: Cancelling my policy

How do I cancel my policy?

You can cancel your policy at any time by contacting us in advance of the date you wish to cancel. Please speak to one of our agents via Live Chat, email us on or call us on 0333 103 0030.

We will charge you on a proportionate basis for either the period of cover you have received or the miles you have used, whichever amount is higher.

Please note the following administration fees apply when cancelling your policy:

  • £30 if a black box has not been fitted to your car
  • £80 if a black box has already been fitted to your car, or had been fitted to a car you previously insured with us.

Insurance Premium Tax will be charged at the appropriate rate.

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What happens to the box if my policy is cancelled?

In the event of cancellation, the black box will remain in your car but it is deactivated by us remotely. If you wish, you can request for it to be removed once your policy has finished.

Please note: if your policy is cancelled and a black box has already been fitted to your car, or had been fitted to a car you previously insured with us, a fee of £80 will apply. This fee consists of a £30 administration fee, plus £50 to cover the additional costs we incurred when fitting the box to your car.

Insurance Premium Tax will be charged at the appropriate rate.

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